Vivian Lark


Vivian Lark

Vivian Lark

Mystery, Action & Adventure

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    Sep 2019

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Vivian Lark is the author of "The Jailer's Way," with a sequel and children's book series in the works. Her childhood taught her that enough is all we actually need, and that material things are not the recipe for creativity. From the age of nine she has drawn and painted, testing out various mediums, finally settling on charcoal and watercolor portraits.

As a child, her imagination kept her very busy. The backyard was not just grass and a fence, it was the Mohave desert, or the Plains of Kansas. Her mother's jewelry wasn't just costume pieces, it was priceless treasure that needed to be buried under the maple tree and found by pirates. (Yes, it's still buried there to this day.) A book was not just paper and binding, it was a world that she was standing right in the midst of, smelling, tasting, seeing, and feeling.

Her first inspiration to write came from two sources. Some of her first memories are of her grandmother tucking her into the crook of her arm and reading book after book. "One more?" was always allowed, and that sparked the true love of a good story. That love was nourished when her grandmother bought her a new electric typewriter. (Believe it or not, computers and Microsoft Word were not always household commodities.) Plots that were stored up, bursting to escape clicked onto the paper, and Vivian was able to take a deep breath and make room for the next adventure to pop into her mind.

The second inspiration came from school sick days. When feeling poorly, re-watching the Anne of Green Gables series with a glass of ginger-ale always made the day better. There was a connection and admiration for Anne Shirley that has lasted decades.

Vivian lives in New York with her husband and four children. She tries her best to balance all the tasks that go along with a wild family, volunteer work, and her art commissions. It's a busy life, but every day adds to the plots and adventures that drive her. She is often teased for fully engulfing herself in a whim for six months and then moving on to the next idea. Having a creative outlet, learning new things, and a having a project is as important and necessary as the morning coffee, and air. (Yes, they are equal, don't judge).

Vivian Lark Books

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